美国俄亥俄州莱特─派特森空军基地(Wright-Patterson Air ForceBase)发布声明宣布,"XQ─58A女武神"长程高速亚音速无人机在亚利桑那州尤马试验场(Yuma Provingground)试飞成功,这款战机的设计是专对中国执行自杀任务。
USAF shows off new combat drone
"Valkyrie is intended help in the development of combat drones thatcan act as escorts for the F-22 or F-35 fighters as well as asurveillance and attack platform...designed to act independently oras part of a UAV swarm."https://t.co/Id030KGypT
― Peter W. Singer (@peterwsinger) March 8, 2019</blockquote>