在台湾以外,亦常见波霸"BOBA"或"Bubble"这名词。起因是1980年代末到北美洲的华裔新移民仍以"波霸奶茶"作号召,加州各地因此如雨后春笋般出现"BOBA Tea House"、"BOBA Planet"、"BOBA World"等等茶坊,现时非台裔居民依然满口"BOBA"或"Bubble"。他们会用英语向柜枱的服务生说:"Give me latte, and add some BOBA in, please."(给我一杯拿铁咖啡,加点"波霸"),"波霸"亦已成为粉圆的代名词。
当然,如果你说Pearl Milk Tea,某些老外也会明白你的意思。来看看英文的详细描述吧:
Pearl Milk Tea is a sweetly flavored tea beverage invented in Taiwan. Drink recipes may vary, but most bubble teas contain a tea base mixed with fruit (or fruit syrup) and/or milk. Ice blended versions of the drink are also available, usually in fruit flavors. Bubble teas may contain small tapioca balls (木薯粉圆) or pearls called "boba". Pearls made of jelly are also available in many places. These teas are shaken to mix the ingredients, creating a foam on the top of some varieties, hence the name.