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Waverley West 新一块居民生活区:给想买新房子的筒子

2365 208
waverley west的开发早几年就开始探讨规划了,如今已经大兴土木开始破土动工。政府对这块地皮有20年的发展计划,会兴建大块的住宅小区,商业区,办公和公共娱乐区。因为和我家靠的近,来来去去总是看到,路边隔三差五竖着开发商的广告牌子。交通方面,将来kenastone会有分支进入,应该也会方便至极。对于想买新房子的移民来说,可以作为考虑的一个8错选择。


Housing Demand on the Rise
The housing market is driven by demand and Manitoba's growing economy has increased the need for quality housing across the province. The province is committed to helping Manitobans access a wide choice of quality, affordable housing while creating vibrant and healthy communities.

The shortage of building lots in Winnipeg is limiting the city's potential for economic growth. To respond to the growing demand, the City of Winnipeg asked the provincial government to open up Waverley West for development. A significant portion of Waverley West land is owned by the province through the Manitoba Housing and Renewal Corporation. Winnipeg now needs to accommodate a growing population by increasing the supply of building lots within the city limits to prevent urban sprawl and make the best use of existing infrastructure.

Waverley West
Waverley West is a tract of land in Winnipeg's desirable southwest quadrant. The province owns part of the land the city has proposed for development. The 20-year project, which has been carefully analyzed and reviewed by the city, will meet the growing housing demand in Winnipeg.

As the province's economy improves, real estate prices keep rising based on the growing demand for quality housing, especially in urban centres. The development of Waverley West will provide more than 11,000 new homes, apartments and complexes. The Manitoba government's share of the profit from the land sale will be used to improve inner city housing in Winnipeg. The result will be more variety and greater housing choices for people at all income levels.

The provincially-owned Waverley West lands are intended to be a green, walkable community accessible to a range of incomes and families, from those with young children to seniors. There will be a broad mix of housing options, following the spirit and intent of the provincial land-use policies. The development plan will include accessible design guidelines to support persons with disabilities and seniors.

Public consultations and best practices from other, successful North American urban development projects will help shape the design of Waverley West. Ecologically responsible options, such as geothermal heating and environmentally friendly building materials, and alternative forms of transportation, will be carefully considered.

Long-term Housing Strategy
Waverley West is an important part of the provincial housing strategy. It supports the responsible development of urban land near existing infrastructure, making wise use of land, water and other resources in and around the city. The province will work closely with the City of Winnipeg and its planning process to build a sustainable, mixed income housing development in Winnipeg.

The province is working to meet housing demands in an economical, environmentally sustainable way. The Manitoba government is committed to meeting all development guidelines, regulations and policies, including the provincial land-use policies and the new water protection and planning acts.

Economic Advantages of Housing Development
This kind of development can have tangible economic advantages for all of Winnipeg. For example, the provincial government's previous commitment to use the profit from the Royalwood housing development has resulted in approximately $1 million going back into affordable inner city housing through Neighbourhoods Alive!

The profit from the development of the provincial portion of Waverley West will be reinvested in inner city housing. Another advantage is the project's potential to generate substantial spin-off economic activity for the city and local businesses.


[ 本帖最后由 妍妍 于 2008-3-8 14:32 编辑 ]
对我笑吧,笑吧,就像你我初次见面 对我说吧,说吧,即使誓言明天就变 享用我吧,现在,人生如此漂泊不定 想起我吧,将来,在你变老的那一年 过去岁月总会过去,有你最后的爱情 过去岁月总会过去,有你最后的温情 所有的光芒都向我涌来 所有的氧气都被我吸光 所有的物体都失去重量 我都快已经走到所有路的尽头

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评论 16

chengle  贵宾  发表于 2008-3-8 12:30:49 | 显示全部楼层

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妍妍  曼省名人  发表于 2008-3-8 15:31:15 | 显示全部楼层
对我笑吧,笑吧,就像你我初次见面 对我说吧,说吧,即使誓言明天就变 享用我吧,现在,人生如此漂泊不定 想起我吧,将来,在你变老的那一年 过去岁月总会过去,有你最后的爱情 过去岁月总会过去,有你最后的温情 所有的光芒都向我涌来 所有的氧气都被我吸光 所有的物体都失去重量 我都快已经走到所有路的尽头

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MaryBaby  游客  发表于 2008-3-8 17:49:38 | 显示全部楼层

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河南老乡  曼省名人  发表于 2008-3-8 23:32:41 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 chengle 于 2008-3-8 11:30 发表


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河南老乡  曼省名人  发表于 2008-3-8 23:38:34 | 显示全部楼层

[ 本帖最后由 河南老乡 于 2008-3-8 22:56 编辑 ]

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会飞的猪  曼省名人  发表于 2008-3-8 23:52:59 | 显示全部楼层
那地方不错 现在又开了costco

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妍妍  曼省名人  发表于 2008-3-9 10:12:20 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 河南老乡 于 2008-3-8 22:32 发表


对我笑吧,笑吧,就像你我初次见面 对我说吧,说吧,即使誓言明天就变 享用我吧,现在,人生如此漂泊不定 想起我吧,将来,在你变老的那一年 过去岁月总会过去,有你最后的爱情 过去岁月总会过去,有你最后的温情 所有的光芒都向我涌来 所有的氧气都被我吸光 所有的物体都失去重量 我都快已经走到所有路的尽头

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chengle  贵宾  发表于 2008-3-9 10:55:49 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 会飞的猪 于 2008-3-8 22:52 发表
那地方不错 现在又开了costco

花的都是人民 币,心里痛,一堆才换,一扎,不平衡。

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Yan  版主  发表于 2008-3-9 11:46:09 | 显示全部楼层

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