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法国摄影家阎雷(YANN  LAYMA)

    前几天在798的映艺术中心看了法国摄影家阎雷(YANN  LAYMA)的摄影展。感觉很好。在我们中国人看来极其普通的场景进入他的镜头,就显得与众不同。他把我们忽略的甚至已经熟视无睹的生活和景象收在他的摄影机里,并展现给我们,让我们震惊。

    阎雷——YANN  LAYMA,1962年出生,法国布列东人,属于法国的少数民族,这个民族的共同特点是头发黄,性格固执,喜欢离家出走。阎雷无一例外的全部继承了这些传统。从14岁他就开始周游世界,16岁喜欢上了摄影,18岁成为了职业摄影师。1981年,他19岁的时候第一次到中国,之后他总共来过中国多少次,他自己也数不清。








Yann Layma:A French Photographer in China


During 1980s and 90s, if you saw a foreigner who hanging a Leica, riding a bike, wearing a gas mask looking around and often taking pictures, that probably is Yann Layma.

Yann Layma was born in Brittany in 1962 and inherited the common features of the minority, blonde hair, obstinacy in character and traveling around. He started traveling the world at the age of fourteen. He fell in love with photography in sixteen and became a professional photographer in eighteen. In 1981, he made his first trip to China when he was nineteen. After that he has been to China many times that even he can’t remember it.

The two Chinese dishes of “Kung Pao chicken” and “Fried sweet sour pork” are Yann Layma’s most favorite Chinese food. Meanwhile, he is good at spoken Chinese and communicates in Chinese without obstacles. But he is always so modesty when Chinese people praised his proficiency in Chinese. Once he went to a Chinese restaurant to have a dinner, the waiters whispered in Chinese how to cheat him on price. He heard their complot and told them loudly, “You are foreigner but not me.”     

This is Yann Layma, a photographer who claims born in the year of Tiger and forty-five years old in 2007.

Yann Layma is probably the best photographer for portraying Chinese themes with his camera, although very few media covered him or published his works. His footprint almost covered every corner in China and recorded the dramatic changes in China with his Leica during last twenty years. His photos look like a sequence of painting that documented the great changes. Comparing to Chinese photographers, this is a special way to document China’s changes within two decades.

The exhibition of “Dragon 108—Two Decades in China” was held at Palais et Jardin du Luxembourg in 2004. 180 photos with the size of 1800mm x 1200mm placed along the fence of Palais et Jardin du Luxembourg, which became the most beautiful scene in Paris. It has been said that the photographer deserved the qualification to have an exhibition at Palais et Jardin du Luxembourg must entitled a master photographer. Yann Layma is very proud to be one of them. His large-size publication “China” published in six countries but China. The first edition was printed for about 75,000 copies. He also took part in “Forbidden City International Photography Exhibition”, which was held in Beijing in October 2004.

He is not a photojournalist or an artist. He just photographs “wonderful stories” that he thought. His publication of “songs in a wooden village” (a story about Dong minority in China) has risen an attention from the world in 1988. By the introduction through his projects, San Jiang (Guangxi) and Li Ping (Guizhou) have became two hot spots for tourists and anthropologists. His other publications of “Sculptor of Mountains” and the same name of documentary had got great success in1992. Awards both in photography and video documentary made him one of the most famous photographers in the world.

He, of course, not only takes pictures in China but also in more than eighty countries. He has spent more than sixty percent of his time on the road. He is truly a great and real anthropogeographic photographer.

Yann Layma is chasing and photographing a “dream-like world” in his mind during last two decades. He said that China has many dream-like places in the past but now they are fading out……

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carrie1211  曼省名人  发表于 2007-9-9 15:07:07 | 显示全部楼层

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