币拍网安全无忧 打造海外华人最低价的充值平台
evilyy 2016-4-25 02:05
充值 网站 如此众多,骗子无处不在。好多人认为,只要大型网站去冲就一切OK啦,那么你了解大型知名网站背后充值的秘密吗?事实上很多网站的充值系统则是分配到个人商户的。尤其是电商平台,虽然很多电商平台都拥有售后服务,但是依然很难杜绝一些手段高端的骗子进入平台进行点 ...
28 次阅读|0 个评论
kunming 2016-4-21 23:57
不说不知道,一看吓一跳!你知道吗?加拿大各省和地区最低工资是多少?(从西到东): BC省:$10.45每小时 AB省:$11.20每小时 SK省:$10.50每小时 MB省:$11每小时 ON省:$11.25每小时 QC省:$10.55每小时 NB省:$10.30每小时 PE省:$10.50每小时 NS省:$10.60每小时 NL省:$10.50每小时 YK地区:$10.86每小时 NT地区:$ ...
1658 次阅读|0 个评论
evilyy 2016-4-20 02:03
海淘新政究竟是什么意思?惠及哪些人?出国旅游买买买要注意什么? 最近,朋友圈那些转的到处都是的被税的东西不要扔一地,黄渤都被海关抓了等一票表达对海淘新政愤慨的……海关新政的舆论争议还在继续,这几天在微博微信朋友圈上流传的回国过海关受阻被查的传言确实挺多的。朋友圈各种怨声载 ...
39 次阅读|0 个评论
evilyy 2016-4-18 09:24
日前,在哥本哈根举办的Money2020大会上,蚂蚁金服国际事业部总裁彭翼捷预测,未来三年,蚂蚁金服的用户将有30%来自海外。据知情人士透露,蚂蚁金服已于近期明确国际战略目标,未来10年的用户量增加至20亿,其中60%的用户来自海外。 根据公开报道,蚂蚁金服2015年年初投资了印度最 ...
18 次阅读|0 个评论
aabbcc 2016-4-2 19:53
http://img.src.ca/2016/03/24/635x357/160324_uo8ij_rci-family_sn635.jpg 加拿大将从今年7月1日起实施新的“加拿大儿童福利”(Canada Child Benefit,CCB),这笔福利在加拿大被昵称为 “牛奶金”。 不过,新的“牛奶金”与旧的“牛奶金”有诸多不同,对中低收入、有未成年子女的家庭来说,这是一笔相当可观 ...
2484 次阅读|0 个评论
待到山花烂漫时 2016-4-2 18:44
It is for the so quiet and boring weekend. I do know this type of music makes people even feel bad but just post here to kill some time. Hopefully not hang here for too long. XnsQMMpPzl8 m9FQ86Pz_ug YU5GnbiNeZw L89grVunUf4 lezo_0z-caU HXZzCjG9LMc 6jKHbYH20Yo bidJwRnkoW ...
2288 次阅读|0 个评论
Language - Never Been Easy But We Have To Conquer It
待到山花烂漫时 2016-3-21 22:12
Once a while the English language just put me down. Some times I feel so defeated. I can write pretty good English generally, but when it comes to time to write a formal report, I just keep on editing, editing and editing, never feel comfortable to deliver. Today is one of those days. God bless me!! ...
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First Time Made Singing Possible in Winnipeg
待到山花烂漫时 2016-3-19 17:28
It is a always a challenge to find a place to practice singing. Living in an apartment accommodation makes it even harder. I am really happy I found a temp solution. It is not the best but it is an Ok solution. Hope I can find someone to do a duet on 我和我的祖国,今夜无眠,Libiamo。 Went to Assinib ...
2140 次阅读|0 个评论
Getting Tired and Bored
待到山花烂漫时 2016-3-17 20:12
After two days intensive training, feel really tired and bored. Hope there are something to do. The training itself was intimidating but overall it was not too bad. Few things may be worth taking a note: - Public speech is a fairly scary thing for almost everyone. However, as a fact, the audience ...
2273 次阅读|0 个评论

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