<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en">
131-vehicle pileup on in Wisconsin kills oneperson and injures 71 othershttps://t.co/xtk374aMGE
― Des Moines Register (@DMRegister) February 25, 2019</blockquote>
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en">
131-car pileup: 911 calls and video releasedfrom the Wisconsin crash scene - The Washington Post https://t.co/Vn1Jh93FgF
― Earle Kimel (@earlekimel) February 28, 2019</blockquote>
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en">
Mangled wreckage is strewn..the largestcrash in Wisconsin"s HISTORY, one DEAD and 171 hospitalized, 131vehicles crashed in a blizzard https://t.co/IfJ1yzhEpJ
― gary larson (@gwlarson2002) March 1, 2019</blockquote>
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en">
Officials in Wisconsin released videofootage of a deadly pileup involving 131 cars ― a collision thoughtby many to be "the largest traffic crash in the state"s history."#carshttps://t.co/OiFrSn9AFmpic.twitter.com/JODB5lOwlu
― Art Dalvik (@ArtDalvik) February 28, 2019</blockquote> ?