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Since the founding of the University, USTC has undertaken a large batch of national, ministerial and provincial research projects, achieving large number of research results. Since its participation in the CAS Experimental Program of Knowledge Innovation, USTC has achieved a batch of important and innovative results in the basic research of nano science and technology, quantum information science, life science research, fire science and fire protection technology, polar scientific investigation and research, bio-mass clean energy research. As a result, 3 papers were published in "Nature", 1 in "Science". 5 research results won national prizes, namely 1 Follow-up Prize and 1 Third Prize in the National Natural Science Awards, 2 Follow-up Prizes and 1 Third Prize in the National Achievement Awards in Science and Technology. Among these results, "Solvothermal Preparation and Characterization of Nanocrystalline Nonoxides" won Second Prize in the National Natural Science Awards in 2001; "Early Fire Intelligent Monitoring System for Large Space Buildings and Hidden-trouble of Electric Fire Checking System among them among them" and "An Artificial Monitoring and Policy-making Support System for Preventing and Reducing the Calamities of Anhui Povince" both won Follow-up Prize in the National Achievement Awards in Science and Technology. 5 research results has been candidates 7 times for the list of the 10 Major Pieces of Sci-tech News in China, the 10 Major Pieces of News of Basic Research in China, the 10 Major Pieces of Sci-tech News in Chinese Universities, and the 10 Major Achievements in Science and Technology in Chinese Universities. In recent years, the University has solely undertaken or taken part in a lot of national major scientific programs, such as the second-phase project for the National Synchrotron Radiation Lab, HT-7U Super-conducting Tokmak.

With the motto "Studying diligently, making progress both in study and development of moral character", USTC has made distinguished achievements in talent fostering, scientific research and technology transfer, turning into an important base of high-qualified talent training and high-level scientific research for the nation. USTC is regarded by the Ministry of Science and Technology as one of the 4 universities with best scientific research performance in China. It ranks among the best in the review of Chinese top universities by the US journal "Science" and the French journal "Research".

There are 9 schools, 23 departments, the Special Class for the Gifted Young, the Experimental Class for the Teaching Reform, the Graduate School, School of Management (Beijing), the Software School, School of Network Education, and School of Continuing Education. USTC offers 43 undergraduate specialties, 17 first-category Ph.D. degree programs, 89 second-category Ph.D. degree programs, 105 second-category master degree specialties. It becomes the key base for the education of the Ph.D. students within the CAS.

USTC has three national research institutions: National Synchrotron Radiation Lab, the State Key Lab for Fire Science and the National High Performance Computing Center. It has 6 CAS key labs of Bond-selective Chemistry, Structure Analysis, Structural Biology, Internal Friction and Defects in Solids, Quantum Information, and Mechanical Behavior and Design of Materials. It also has some key scientific research institutions such as the CAS Research Center for Thermal Safety Engineering and Technology.

16 academic societies are affiliated with the University, including the Synchrotron Radiation Committee under the China Society of Physics, the System Simulation Committee under the China Society of Automation, and the Quantum Optics Committee under the China Society of Physics. The University publishes some important academic journals, such as "Journal of the University of Science and Technology", "Fire Science", "Journal of Low Temperature Physics", "Journal of Chemical Physics", "Experimental Mechanics", and "Education and Modernization".

There are more than 3600 faculty and staff numbers, 22 CAS and CAE academicians, 432 professors. The number of students accepting normal higher education at USTC totals around 13794, 8243 undergraduate students, 3873 master degree students, and 1498 Ph.D. students among them. Besides, it also has 1575 professional master degree students, 110 post-doctoral fellows and 134 guest professors.
    19589月创建于北京,首任校长由郭沫若兼任。它的创办被称为“我国教育史和科学史上的一项重大事件”。建校后,中国科学院实施“全院办校,所系结合”的办学方针,学校紧紧围绕国家急需的新兴科技领域设置系科专业,创造性地把理科与工科即前沿科学与高新技术相结合,注重基础课教学,高起点,宽口径培养新兴、边缘、交叉学科的尖端科技人才,汇集了严济慈、华罗庚、钱学森、赵忠尧、郭永怀、赵九章、贝时璋等一批国内最有声望的科学家, 得到迅速发展,建校第二年即被列为全国重点大学。        1970年初,学校迁至安徽省合肥市,开始了第二次创业。1978年以后,学校锐意改革,大胆创新,在全国率先提出并实施了创办少年班、首建研究生院、建设国家大科学工程、面向世界开放办学等一系列具有创新精神和前瞻意识的教育改革措施,得到迅速恢复和发展。“七五”、“八五”期间一直得到国家的重点建设,很快发展成为国家高质量人才培养和高水平科学研究的重要基地。
       现有教职工3046多人,其中教师1083人,专职研究人员459人。有中国科学院和中国工程院院士27人,第三世界科学院院士6人,博士生导师340人,教授463人(含相当专业技术职务人员),副教授653人(含相当专业技术职务人员),还聘请了杨振宁、李政道、丁肇中、丘成桐、R.F.Curl、Eugene Garfield Charles等一批世界知名科学家为名誉教授、名誉博士和客座教授。

[ 本帖最后由 conversation 于 2008-1-8 11:38 编辑 ]

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