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如何写Cover letter(1)

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当你看到与自己背景和技能特别相关的找工信息时。也就意味这机会来了。<br /><br />写好cover letter是关键,相比Resume来说,Cover letter 更重要,常常人力资源是先看Cover letter, 有的都不看resume. 留给技术人员看resume.<br /><br />所以Cover letter至关重要。<br /><br />

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评论 10

powerpig  曼省名人  发表于 2006-7-7 02:46:24 | 显示全部楼层
好,顶一把<br />等下文

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SeanT  曼省名人  发表于 2006-7-7 02:46:24 | 显示全部楼层
cover letter主要聚焦在:<br />1. 行业背景要一样, 比如搞计算机的很多, 可是搞计算机又有汽车制造背景的可能就不多了. <br />2. 技术技能要一样. <br />3. 突出自己的工作经验, 比如over 15 years&#039; experience and excellent skills in Automotive manufacturing, also... <br />4. cover letter就是普通的信件, 写时要有逻辑性, 给人以亲切, 真实的感觉.

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SeanT  曼省名人  发表于 2006-7-7 02:46:24 | 显示全部楼层

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cdrmb  曼省名人  发表于 2006-7-7 02:46:24 | 显示全部楼层

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就是一枪  管理员  发表于 2006-7-7 02:46:24 | 显示全部楼层
这样子的话,看来花精力在cover letter上还是有意义的。

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SeanT  曼省名人  发表于 2006-7-7 02:46:24 | 显示全部楼层
对,主要在cover letter, 简历基本不用太大改动.cover letter 要有针对性.

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SeanT  曼省名人  发表于 2006-7-7 02:46:24 | 显示全部楼层
FYI:<br /><br />这是一个招聘信息:<br />&gt; Senior Programmer Career Opportunity<br />&gt; <br />&gt; Open the gate to a challenging opportunity that offers competitive base <br />&gt; salaries and benefits.  Gateway Ticketing Systems, Inc. is the world leader <br />&gt; in high-speed admission control and ticketing software for the attraction, <br />&gt; amusement, and intercity bus transportation industries.  Gateway is <br />&gt; privately owned by the original founders, and will provide you the <br />&gt; opportunity to accelerate your computer career while working in a <br />&gt; casual-dress, friendly, family-oriented environment.  We offer a multitude <br />&gt; of benefits, including medical, Prescription, Vision, Dental, Life and <br />&gt; Disability Insurance, 401K Plan, Section 529 Plan, Computer Purchase <br />&gt; Program, and Profit Sharing.  Bask in the leisure of our flex hours and paid <br />&gt; time off/personal/holidays, earn awards, and join the fun of our various <br />&gt; social events.  You provide the initiative and skills, and Gateway will <br />&gt; provide the ticket to success!<br />&gt; <br />&gt; <br />&gt; <br />&gt; Responsibilities:<br />&gt; <br />&gt; <br />&gt; <br />&gt; Support and maintenance of current applications<br />&gt; <br />&gt; Work from code specifications, debug, and support at the system, library, <br />&gt; unit, and application level<br />&gt; <br />&gt; Work productively in a team environment, to help meet group goals in an <br />&gt; efficient, cooperative process, with minimal supervision.<br />&gt; <br />&gt; Present code for review and discussion.<br />&gt; <br />&gt; Participate in the design process<br />&gt; <br />&gt; Assist Quality Assurance staff to provide quality software<br />&gt; <br />&gt; Assist technical writers and trainers with documentation and training<br />&gt; <br />&gt; Interact with Customer Service to help provide the utmost in customer <br />&gt; satisfaction<br />&gt; <br />&gt; Write simple technical descriptions (release notes) of the features worked <br />&gt; on<br />&gt; <br />&gt; Assist third party vendors or our partners who are developing interfaces to <br />&gt; our system<br />&gt; <br />&gt; Perform on-call duties as required.<br />&gt; <br />&gt; Document assignment work, including time spent and relevant progress (in <br />&gt; GTSWin)<br />&gt; <br />&gt; Present completed code changes for review<br />&gt; <br />&gt; Follow good programming practices based on the Programmers&#039; Reference Manual <br />&gt; provided by Gateway Ticketing Systems, Inc<br />&gt; <br />&gt; Update the product documentation adding detailed information of new <br />&gt; functionalities, and updating the documentation of existing features<br />&gt; <br />&gt; Integrate code changes in different software versions<br />&gt; <br />&gt; Database maintenance, documentation (currently DB Dictionary), and <br />&gt; programming as required<br />&gt; <br />&gt; Identify potential problems and improvements in the existing code <br />&gt; (refactoring)<br />&gt; <br />&gt; Write functional specifications<br />&gt; <br />&gt; Write technical specifications<br />&gt; <br />&gt; Provide on-site customer support<br />&gt; <br />&gt; Provide after hours development support when scheduled<br />&gt; <br />&gt; Create, run, and enhance unit tests<br />&gt; <br />&gt; Perform code reviews<br />&gt; <br />&gt; Write quick estimates and software change orders<br />&gt; <br />&gt; Lead software design meetings<br />&gt; <br />&gt; Verify DB change request and maintain the DB structures and keep Database <br />&gt; Dictionary document current<br />&gt; <br />&gt; Follow and encourage all defined policies and procedures<br />&gt; <br />&gt; Perform other tasks as requested by management<br />&gt; <br />&gt; <br />&gt; <br />&gt; Core Competencies and Requirements:<br />&gt; <br />&gt; <br />&gt; <br />&gt; Good analytical and logic skills<br />&gt; <br />&gt; Knowledge of object oriented programming<br />&gt; <br />&gt; Basic oral and written communication skills<br />&gt; <br />&gt;      Ability to switch between tasks<br />&gt; <br />&gt; <br />&gt; <br />&gt; Additonal Competencies:<br />&gt; <br />&gt; <br />&gt; <br />&gt; Experience with strong object oriented programming on a windows platform <br />&gt; background &amp; MS SQL Server<br />&gt; <br />&gt; Ability to travel as needed to support the product onsite<br />&gt; <br />&gt; Ability to write quick estimates, detailed estimates, change orders <br />&gt; (descriptions of software customizations), detailed specifications, and <br />&gt; other product documentation.<br />&gt; <br />&gt; Knowledge and/or experience in hardware programming, testing, use<br />&gt; <br />&gt; General experience or knowledge in the transportation, amusement and/or <br />&gt; museum industries.<br />&gt; <br />&gt; <br />&gt; <br />&gt; Education and Experience:<br />&gt; <br />&gt; <br />&gt; <br />&gt; BS degree in Computer Science (or equivalent) or 1-3+ years of DELPHI or <br />&gt; other object-oriented development on a windows platform background<br />&gt; <br />&gt; Knowledge of database programming and scripting<br />&gt; <br />&gt; Familiar with Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP<br />&gt; <br />&gt; Familiar with MS Word and MS Excel<br />&gt; <br />&gt; <br />&gt; <br />&gt; Please send resumes and salary requirements to <br /><br />我写的cover letter:<br />Dear Manager,<br /> <br />I noticed the position and very interested in it. Now I live in xxx, Canada. I have excellent POS software, Delphi/Oracle skill and experiences. Hope to contribute my talent to the company. <br /> <br />From 1997, I developed the Accounting software by Delphi. In 2000 to 2002, I worked at a Bookstore group and developed the Superstore MIS/ERP, including the POS, Book Rental, Sale, account, inventory, and distributed centre, remote data transfer function etc. The software were developed by Delphi5/6, Oracle and distributed multi-tier CORBA, VisiBroker technology. Utill now, over 5 years, This system are still running and very well. <br /> <br />From Last February, I developed the Digital Printing software by delphi7. Now, I&#039;m developing the system and adding some others function by delphi2006. Thanks for your time. Same skills and same background, If possible, I&#039;ll send my resume to you lately.<br /> <br />Have a good day! Hope to receive your message soon.<br /> <br /> <br />Sincerely,<br /> <br />我收到了回信,之后发简历过去.之后面试.但是美国工作,需H1B签证.暂停.<br /><br />

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oceandeep  曼省名人  发表于 2006-7-7 02:46:24 | 显示全部楼层
按LZ的格式套用(偶是懒人)<br />写了一晚上的COVER LETTER<br />发了一晚上的RESUME<br />要是真找到理想工作了<br />偶请客

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   发表于 2006-7-21 11:53:06 | 显示全部楼层
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