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关于怎样拿打折或者免费的Windows 7的方法 (大学生们的机会)

已有 1095 次阅读2009-10-5 00:38 |个人分类:玩玩玩

With many people wondering what the Windows 7 pricing will be and
whether it will cost less, the same, or more than Vista, there are some
ways you can legally get Windows 7 at a discount or even for free when
the final version is ready later this year.

1. Between June 26, 2009 and January
31, 2010, any new computer purchased with Windows Vista will qualify
for a free upgrade to Windows 7. So if you've been planning on
purchasing a new PC in the near future, you should hold off just a
little while longer.

2. Check and see if your school is with the MSDNAA or
Microsoft Developers Network Academic Alliance. If they are, check with
their specific MSDNAA site when the final version of Windows 7 comes
out to see if they distribute it.

3. Check with Microsoft DreamSpark. This is a special site
from Microsoft that gives out free software to people who have a valid
e-mail address from any of the qualifying schools listed. It's possible
they could put Windows 7 up there once it's released.

4. If you're in the US, Canada or Europe, and are in school,
there's a site called Journey Ed that gives out software and other
kinds of products at a discount. You just need to show them some kind
of proof.

据我所知,需要提供你的学生号码和大学用的Email才可以获得,而且通过那个MSDN来取得拷贝需要一点技术含量,我已经Pre-Order Windows 7了。没有办法,被产业行规管制。






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